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National Association of the Church of God

Arlington Church of God

Akron, Ohio

Thursday, May 15 through May 17, 2025

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Elizabeth Cheeseman-Martin
Marie Freeman
Sphere on Spiral Stairs
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Rev. Sheila Granger
Spiritual Advisor

Picture this.....

In the gospel of Mark 5:18-20 we see Jesus getting into a boat to depart. A man who had been demon-possessed begged to go with him. But Jesus did not let him, instructing him to “Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.”  So, the man went away and began to tell how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed.

God uniquely calls and equips us for our assignments. When the disciples encountered Jesus, He told them “FOLLOW ME” and he ordained them and sent them out to preach. But the call on this man’s life was not like the disciples. Jesus called him to “GO BACK” and share his story.

During your early years in school, you may have participated in a time of Show and Tell. You understood that you were to present something that was important or special to you and then explain its significance. In this day God calls us to be Show and Tell Christians. We are called to tell the Gospel with our mouths and show the Gospel with our lives. (Colossians 3:17). So, in this season of Love, let us be intentional and tell people about God’s love and offer of salvation.

If we don’t, who will?

Sphere on Spiral Stairs

NACOG Ushers 2024 Virtual Convention Participants

Guest Speaker
Rev. Cynthia Thomas
Langley Avenue COG
Chicago, IL
Youth Speakers
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Aryn Silas
Langley Ave COG
Chicago, Illinois
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Louis Stewart
First Church of God

Far Rockaway, NY
Kristian Jordan
Shepherd's Life COG
Ellicott City, MD
Jaxson Weatherly
Langley Ave COG
Chicago, Illinois

Elizabeth Cheeseman-Martin – President
Marie Freeman – Vice President
Email Us:

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