Called To Serve
The National Association of the Church of God Ushers (NACOGU) is a faith based group committed to serving God and the people of God. Our members are devoted Christians who strive to create a welcoming environment for worshipers. We support the National Association of the Church of God based in West Middlesex, PA.
Our services include, but are not limited to being keepers of entrances and exits and inside our houses of worship.
Being committed to excellence in all that we say or do, we believe that our ministry is a reflection of our faith.
Our purpose is to unite all ushers of the Church of God in promoting Christian hospitality and servanthood, keeping order during worship services and promoting Christian fellowship within the worship environment.
In our ministry service as ushers and servants led by God, we strive to coordinate, encourage and represent excellence in ushering.
We are extending a call to all Pastors: Please encourage and support your local ushers. Pray God’s guidance in starting or expanding your local ushers’ ministry.
Inviting “generations following” (youth) to plan to serve on Friday of camp meeting with white blouses/shirts, dark slacks/skirts.
Our longstanding scripture: Psalms 84:10… “For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand, I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.

Let's Celebrate!
Bro. Joseph S. Scarborough
on Five Years of Exceptional Service as
President of the NACOG Ushers











